Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Law Library
Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Code

Section SAF.02.14 — Obstruction Prohibited

(a) No person shall knowingly obstruct or resist a tribal officer or conservation officer while such officer is acting in an official capacity. Obstruction for purpose of this section includes fleeing, attempting to evade, physical interference, providing false information, or such other acts or omissions to impede law enforcement operations.

(b) No person shall, without reasonable excuse, refuse or fail to comply with any lawful order or direction of a tribal officer or conservation officer while such officer is acting in an official capacity.

(c) No person shall take actions to avoid, evade, or obstruct compliance with a lawful investigative demand by willfully concealing, withholding, destroying, altering, or otherwise falsifying information or materials that are the subject of such demand.