Article 3 Composition
(a) Membership. The Committee shall be made up of nine (9) tribal members which shall include two (2) tribal elders and two (2) tribal youths. For purposes of this provision and consistent with tribal law, "Elder" shall mean any tribal member age 55 or older and "Youth" shall mean a tribal member between the ages of 14 and 18.
(1) All members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Tribal Council.
(2) Committee Members shall be appointed for staggered three (3) year terms. Terms shall begin November 1st.
(3) Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled through appointment by the Tribal Council for the duration of the unexpired term.
(b) Qualifications. All Committee Members:
(1) Shall be an enrolled member of the Tribe, unless otherwise determined by Tribal Council.
(2) Shall be 18 years of age or older, except as set forth in sub-paragraph 3(a) above which requires that 2 members be Youths.
(3) Shall attend applicable training and sign required confidentiality and acknowledgment documents.
(4) Shall be a person of known good standing in the community.
(c) Removal. A Committee Member may be removed by the Tribal Council for cause by majority vote for violations of these By-laws or applicable laws. Examples of conduct constituting cause for removal include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Malfeasance in office, including acting outside one's scope of authority, acting contrary to Tribal Council directions or decisions, or acting without authorization;
(2) Conduct which could jeopardize the reputation of the Tribe or the Committee;
(3) Proven violation of the confidentiality of an executive session meeting or any other information declared "confidential" by the Tribe or this Committee;
(4) Serious neglect of duty as a Committee Member, including but not limited to failure to appear at three (3) consecutive meetings without a valid reason, of which all such charges shall be documented by the Committee in the minutes.
(5) Violation of conduct expectations set forth below.
(d) Resignation. Resignations from the Committee shall be in writing and presented to the Tribal Council, via the Tribal Council Secretary and the Committee Chair.