Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Law Library

Article 6 Meetings

(a) The Tribal Council shall set the time, date and place for the first meeting of the Committee.

(b) Meeting Location. The designated meeting place for Committee meetings shall be determined by the Committee at their first meeting. Thereafter, the Committee may change this meeting location to another public location due to business reasons (such as if the Committee is meeting with another committee) so long as clear notice of the new meeting location is clearly identified on the meeting notice.

(c) Regular Meeting Time. The regular meeting of the Committee shall be held monthly. The day and the time of the regular monthly meeting shall be determined by the Committee at their first meeting. Special meetings will be held as needed consistent with any policy regarding special meetings.

(d) Open Meetings. All meetings of the Committee shall be open to any tribal member. Meetings shall be in-person unless otherwise provided for in a tribal ordinance or through a Tribal Council Directive.

(e) Posted Notice and Agenda.

(1) Notice of all regular meetings, including the agenda with meeting time and location, shall be posted by the Chair with the assistance of the Secretary at least three (3) business days prior to a regular meeting. Posting shall be in all tribal posting locations and on-line via the tribal website.

(2) Any materials about agenda items should be distributed to Committee Members at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting, and a copy being submitted to the head of the relevant department.

(3) Staff wishing to submit agenda items should submit said items to the Committee Secretary in sufficient time for Secretary to comply with the 3-day notice provision above. It shall be the Secretary's responsibility to make sure that the material is added to the agenda and distributed timely.

(f) Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or a simple majority of the Committee Members with at least a 48-hours notice and the agenda shall be posted with the notice.

(g) Quorum. Meetings may not be called to order without a quorum of Committee Members in attendance. A quorum shall consist of five (5) Committee Members who shall include the Chair or the Vice-Chair.

(h) Order of Business. All meetings of the Committee shall follow the posted agenda. Official business may only be conducted pursuant to a properly noticed meeting and with a quorum.

(i) Executive Session. During any meeting, with proper notice, a closed executive session may be called for by any single member of the Committee only for the purpose of discussing matters of a confidential nature.

(1) Executive Sessions are limited to Committee Members and such invited persons as the Committee deems necessary.

(2) The meeting must be returned to "open session" following the "executive session." Any actions arising out of the discussion during the executive session must be taken in open session.

(3) Discussions during and materials used as parts of executive session are deemed to be governmental deliberations. Such deliberations shall be considered confidential and shall not be disclosed, except as required by official business necessity to fulfill the Committee's responsibilities or in accordance with applicable law.

(j) Voting. The majority of votes cast, ignoring abstentions, is sufficient for the adoption of any motion other than those that require a super-majority vote. A tie vote results in a motion being defeated. The Chairperson, or Vice-Chairperson acting in the Chairperson's absence, has a right to vote on any matter before the Committee, including to break or to create tied votes, unless there is a conflict of interest requiring a recusal from the action.

(k) Recusal. Persons with a conflict of interest in relation to a matter before the Committee shall avoid participation in decisions on such matter. Tribal ethics law, particularly Chapter ADM.02, shall guide what is considered to be a conflict of interest.

(l) Grievance. A committee member, staff or attendee may file a grievance related to Committee Member Conduct, said grievance to be filed with the Tribal Council.