Article 4 Officers and their Duties
(a) This Committee shall have three (3) officers: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary.
(b) Chairperson Duties. Responsible for calling meetings and notifying members with the assistance of the Secretary. The Chairperson shall preside over meetings, shall be the liaison to the Tribal Council and applicable department heads, and shall perform other duties consistent with these By-Laws and tribal law and policy. The Chairperson shall be responsible to forward any media requests made of the Committee to the Tribal Council. The Chairperson shall also ensure that the Committee remains fiscally responsible for any budget designated by Tribal Council for such oversight.
(c) Vice-Chairperson Duties. The Vice-Chairperson shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chairperson and appoint an acting Vice-Chairperson for that meeting. The Vice-Chairperson shall work with the Chairperson in all matters that concern the Committee.
(d) Secretary Duties. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings, assuring that the minutes are reported in the proper format and sent to the Tribal Council. Secretary shall also submit the approved Stipend form to the Tribal Treasurer for payment.
(e) Officer Selection Process and Term. The officers shall serve terms of one (1) year and shall be elected by a majority vote of the Committee. Terms of office for the officers shall run consistent with the timing for terms of appointment. In the event of a vacancy, the successor shall be elected by a majority vote of the Committee for the duration of the unexpired term.