Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Law Library
Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Code.

Section ENV.01.19 — Fishing Regulations

(a) Fees for adult direct descendants and spouses of tribal members are:

(1) Fishing permit, which is valid for the calendar year, is $30.00 annually.

(2) A Sportsman permit for hunting (except turkey) and fishing, which is valid for the calendar year, is $50.00 annually.

(3) There are no fees for minor-aged direct descendants, however, they must obtain a permit from the Conservation Department.

(b) There shall be no limitation on the taking of rough fish for personal use. The following regulations are imposed on the taking of: brook trout, northern pike, rainbow trout, brown trout, bass (large mouth and small mouth), panfish, and walleye.

(c) For trout, there will be a size limit of eight (8) inches or better, and a limit of ten (10) of any kind for tribal members and five (5) trout of any kind for other permittees per day. There will be a limit for trout possession of fifty (50) for tribal members and twenty-five (25) for other permittees.

(1) There is a limit of five (5) bass per day.

(2) There is a limit of twenty-five (25) panfish per day.

(3) There is a limit of five (5) northern pike per day.

(4) There is a limit of five (5) walleye per day.

(d) All waters within the jurisdiction shall be closed to trout fishing from October 1 to November 30. The Spring Hole, including the creek leading to the West Branch of the Red River, shall be closed from October 1 to May 1.

(e) The trout fishing season for all tribal members and for minor-aged permittees is December 1 through September 30. The trout fishing season for adult permittees shall be from the first Saturday in May until September 30.

(f) Blue Heron Pond Regulations (located in NE¼ of Section 34, Bartelme): Catch and release by tribal members and permittees is permitted. Keeping fish is limited to tribal members and permittees age 15 and under, and 55 and older.