Section ENV.01.22 — Fur-Bearing Animals And Trapping Regulations
(a) Only tribal members may take fur-bearing animals.
(b) Only tribal members may trap.
(c) The season for trapping fur-bearing animals shall be October 15 – April 15.
(1) Quotas for the number of fur-bearing animals that may be trapped during the season shall be set at the beginning of the season based on the recommendation of the Conservation/Ecology Departments and acceptance of the Fish and Wildlife Board.
(2) Seasonal quotas will be posted at tribal posting places, the Little Star Convenience Store, in the Mohican News and on the tribal website.
(3) Once a seasonal quota has been reached or will be reached imminently for a particular animal, the Conservation/Ecology Departments will close the trapping season for that animal. Notice of season closure will be posted by the Conservation/Ecology Departments at tribal posting places, the Little Star Convenience Store, in the Mohican News and on the tribal website.
(d) All traps and fur-bearing animals taken pursuant to these regulations shall have the tribal member's enrollment number clearly marked on them.
(e) When shipping furs, the parcel must be plainly marked on the outside stating the name, address, permit number of the shipper, the number and kind of skins contained in the package. The bill of lading or receipt issued by any common carrier to a shipper shall specify the number and species of furs shipped.
(f) Hides or pelts adapted to personal use need not carry the permit number once the adaptation is completion.
(g) Coyotes may be taken year-round with a weapon.
(h) Bobcat, Badger, Fisher, and Otter:
(1) Trappers must report their trappings with the Conservation/Ecology Departments within 24 hours of the trapping.
(2) A seasonal quota will be set for bobcat, badger, fisher, and otter on an annual basis based on the recommendations of the Conservation/Ecology Departments and acceptance by the Fish and Wildlife Board.
(3) Once the quota has been met, the Conservation/Ecology Departments shall post such notices at the Little Star Convenience Store, the Conservation Department and the Tribe's web site.
(4) Tribal members must obtain a transportation tag from the Ecology Department, if the bobcat, badger, fisher, and/or otter will be transported off of the reservation.
(5) If the hides or pelts legally harvested on tribal lands are to leave the State of Wisconsin, then a CITES tag may also be needed. CITES tags need to be obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
(i) Trap Size and Type Restrictions.
(1) The use of body grip traps larger than 220 size is prohibited for dry land sets; EXCEPT, the use of body grip traps of any size is prohibited during any time period when the bobcat or fisher quota has been reached.
(2) The use of snares or cable restraints is prohibited for dry land sets.
(3) The restrictions on trap size and type for dry land sets does not apply to trapping weasel, mink, muskrat, beaver, and otter in, on, or amongst a body of water.
(j) Trap Checking Requirements.
(1) Dry land sets must be checked at least once each calendar day.
(2) Water sets must be checked at least once every 4 calendar days, EXCEPT, traps that are under ice water sets must be checked at least once every 14 calendar days.