Section ADM.01.08 — Quorum, Location And Participation For Council Meetings
(a) A quorum consisting of a simple majority of the seated Council members is required to be in attendance at an in-session Council meeting in order for the meeting to be officially convened, except when tribal law requires a super-majority.
(b) All Council meetings and Semi-Annual meetings shall be held at the established headquarters of the Community, except as provided under subsections (d), (e), (f) and (g).
(c) Council members must be physically present at meeting(s) in order to participate. Absent Council members may submit their comments in writing, but are not permitted to otherwise participate via telecommunications or other electronic mediums.
(d) A Semi-Annual Meeting may be held at an alternative location on the Reservation, so long as the Council has adopted a resolution authorizing the alternative location at least 7-days prior to the meeting and has posted such notice of the alternative location in tribal posting sites and on the tribal website in a timely fashion.
(e) Membership meetings may be held at such locations as the Council determines to be appropriate, so long as prior notice of the meeting location is posted in tribal posting sites and on the tribal website in a timely fashion.
(f) The Council may hold working meetings at any location. The Council is not in session and does not take any official actions during such working meetings. A quorum is not required for such working meetings. Working meetings are not open meetings.
(g) The Council may hold Council Meetings at an alternative location on the Reservation to comply with the requirements of a public health order as long as that public health order is in effect, so long as the Council has adopted a resolution authorizing the alternative location at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting and has posted such notice of the alternative location at tribal posting sites and on the tribal website in a timely fashion.