Section ENV.01.14 — Turkey Hunting Regulations
(a) Turkey hunting requires harvest tags and turkeys must be registered consistent with Section ENV.01.18.
(b) Spring Turkey Season:
(1) The spring turkey season is open to tribal members and permittees. Tribal members may harvest four (4) tom or jake during this season. Permittees may harvest two (2) tom or jake during this season.
(2) Hunting season for tribal members is February 1 to July 31.
(3) Hunting for permittees is April 15 to May 31.
(4) Centerfire/rimfire rifles may not be used during the spring turkey season. Turkeys may only be taken with shotguns, bows, or crossbows during this spring season.
(c) Fall Turkey Season:
(1) The Fall turkey season is open to tribal members and permittees. Tribal members may harvest four (4) turkeys of any sex. Permittees may harvest two (2) turkeys of any sex during this season.
(2) The fall hunting season for tribal members is from August 1 to January 31.
(3) The fall hunting season for permittees is from September 15 to December 31.
(4) Permittees may only take turkey with a centerfire rifle or a shotgun loaded with slugs during time periods when the permittee is also authorized to take deer with a firearm.