Section ENV.01.15 — Small Game, Migratory Bird And Grouse Regulations
(a) Small game season shall be August 1 to the last day of February. Permittee small game season is closed during traditional 9-day gun deer season.
(b) There shall be a daily limit of ten (10) not to exceed twenty (20) in possession of taking of rabbit and squirrel.
(c) The taking of Migratory Birds shall be subject to the maximum federal annual allowance provided for the Mississippi Flyway, as provided in 50 CFR part 20.
(1) No lead shot may be used to take migratory birds over water.
(2) Migratory bird season shall be September 1 to December 24; except, the season shall be closed during the 9-day Wisconsin gun deer season, which is the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving through the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
(3) There shall be a daily limit of ten (10) ducks of any sex and any species and a daily limit of five (5) geese. The possession limit shall be double the daily bag limit.
(d) Ruffed grouse and spruce grouse shall be limited to five (5) per day per person, and the possession and transportation of these types of small game shall be limited to no more than ten (10) grouse at any time.